Test di raddrizzamento del Class 40 Peráspera |
Cito: The first KIWI 40FC Class40, Peráspera, was launched at Pier 21 in Auckland in late September. The brainchild of Lapo Ancillotti and Francesco Piva of BT Boats, the latest Class40 design is the result of a collaboration between Farr Yacht Design and Cookson Boats and on Friday 17 December, after three months of sea trials and test sailing, the boat successfully completed the mandatory 180 degree inversion test demanded by the double-handed, Class40, Global Ocean Race 2011-12 (GOR).
Via | globaloceanrace.com
da guardare il bompresso orientabile concepito da Farr….idea originale
Il miracolo è che abbiano passato il test di venerdì 17…