Cork hits rock in Java Sea |

Cork struck a rock

Cork, uno dei dieci 68 piedi che partecipano alla Clipper Round the World Race 09-10 ha centrato uno scoglio mentre navigava nel mare di Java, circa a 200 miglia a nord est di Jakarta.

Tutti e sedici i membri dell’equipaggio sono stati evacuati senza problemi sulle due barche gemelle, Team Finland e California. Sono tutti sani e salvi.

La notizia originale:

Cork, one of ten 68-foot ocean racing yachts competing in the Clipper 09-10 Round the World Yacht Race has struck a rock in the Java Sea, around 200 nautical miles north east of Jakarta.

All 16 crew have been safely evacuated to two sister yachts, Team Finland and California. All are safe and next of kin have been informed.

Falmouth Coastguard is working with local agencies to ensure that the situation is being constantly monitored.

The Irish entry was sailing in 20-knot winds when she struck a rock off the small island of Gosong Mampango at 2018 GMT, 13 January (0418 local time, 14 January).

The yacht was competing in the fifth race of the biennial global challenge which left Geraldton, Western Australia for Singapore on 3 January 2010.


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