International Jury For The 33rd America’s Cup |
La International Sailing Federation (ISAF) ha annunciato oggi l’approvazione per le nomine della giuria internazionale per la trentatreesima America’s Cup… che in toeria dovrebbe essere prevista a Valencia in Spagna tra la Société Nautique Genève of Switzerland ed il Golden Gate Yacht Club degli United States of America. Forse.
I magnifici cinque saranno:
David Tillett (Australia) Chairman
A lawyer in Australia, David has been an International Judge for 20 years and is the current Chairman of the ISAF Racing Rules Committee. He has been a juror at the 31st and 32nd America’s Cup’s as well as an Umpire at the 28th and 29th America’s Cups.
He has been a Jury Member at four Olympic Games, and Chairman in 2004 and 2008.
John Doerr (Great Britain)
An Arbitrator specialising in the engineering field. John has been an International Judge since 1987 and an International Umpire since 1980. A past Chairman of the ISAF Race Officials Committee.
He was a Jury member and Chief Umpire for the 29th America’s Cup and a Jury Member and Chief Umpire at the last four Olympic Games.
Josje Hofland (The Netherlands)
Josje has a Doctorate in English Literature and Linguistics. An International Judge since 1992 and an International Umpire between 1992 and 2000. A past Chairman of various ISAF Race Officials Committees and a member of the Racing Rules Committee between 1995 and 2008. She was a Jury member in the 29th America’s Cup and filled the role of Chief Umpire in the Challenger Finals and Deputy Chief Umpire in the America’s Cup match.
Josje has also been a member of the Jury in three Olympic Games.
Graham McKenzie (New Zealand)
A distinguished Barrister at Law and a solicitor in New Zealand. Graham is a competing sailor in keelboats. A member of the ISAF Constitution Committee.
He was a Jury member for the 32nd America’s Cup.
Bryan Willis (Great Britain)
An Arbitration specialist and a Magistrate in the lower criminal court in Great Britain. Bryan has been an International judge since 1976 and an International Umpire between 1980 and 2004. He was an integral member of the ISAF Racing Rules Committee for 20 years between 1980 and 2000. Bryan was a Jury member and Chief Umpire in the 28th America’s Cup, Chairman of the Jury and Chief Umpire in the 30th and 31st America’s Cup and Chairman of the Jury and Arbitration Panel for the 32nd America’s Cup.
Jury Chairman of the 2000 Olympic Games and Jury Chairman for the last three Volvo Ocean Races.