ORC – annunciate le modifiche al VPP |
L’Offshore Racing Congress (ORC) ha accolto ed approvato tutte le modifiche suggerite dall’International Technical Committee (ITC) per il VPP (velocity prediction program) che verrà utilizzato nel prossimo anno negli ORC International ed ORC Club rating systems.
Cito: This is the first year the ITC had met to finalize their changes and ratify them through the ORC test fleet of 300 designs prior to the ORC’s Annual General Meeting here in Busan.
“The main modifications came from work by the ITC during the year,” said ITC Chairman Alessandro Nazareth, “and the new formulations implemented in next year’s VPP have proven satisfactory after extensive testing and don’t have any disruptive impact on the ORC racing fleets that now seem very happy with our rating rule.
However, these formulations do accommodate some of the boats that are currently considered unfavored by the system, such as the GP classes, STP65’s and some Mini Maxis.”
Ed ora… via di raspa, aggiungi qualcosa qui, togli qualcosa lì…
Per conoscere le modifiche: www.orc.org