Barca a scogli in Francia |

Per si chiedesse che modello di barca è non sapesse leggere l’inglese sotto alla foto… trattasi di un Sadler Starlight 35

Sadler Starlight 35 a scogli in francia

As he began his daring overtaking manoeuvre, Arthur Manning wondered if he was sailing a little close to the wind.

In fact, he was too close to the rocks. His yacht, the Jersey-registered Knight Star, ended up grounded and then wobbling in mid-air on its 6ft keel as the tide went out near Saint-Quay-Portrieux, north-west France.

Mr Manning, who was trying to speed ahead of 19 rivals in a Royal Channel Islands Yacht Club race, described it as ‘an embarrassing misjudgment’.

He and his crew abandoned ship and the French sea salvage service refloated the Knight Star at high tide. The yacht escaped mostly intact – unlike Mr Manning’s pride.

It happened at 8am today, soon after Mr Manning and fellow crew member Peter Williams left Binic, in north west France, on the last day of the Royal Channel Islands Yacht Club’s 14th Waller Harris two-handed triangle race.

As their 36ft Sadler Starlight 35 passed the rocky outlet of La Longue, opposite the port of Saint-Quay-Portrieux, disaster struck as they sailed too close to rocks and became grounded.


(Grazie a Sergio per la dritta)

4 Responses to “Barca a scogli in Francia”

  1. In effetti avevo appena visto il tutto su Repubblica,it e mi ero chiesto chissà che barca è.
    Un salto su velablog (che leggo dopo Repubblica in segno di rispetto, come la Sacher Torte dopo il secondo) e zac, risposta trovata.

  2. Peccato sia già aposto di carena, altrimenti già che c’era una ‘pittata’ la poteva dare… :-)

  3. Bhe, potrebbe sempre rifare la boccola e gli zinchi! :-P

  4. e nel caso arrivi ad ormeggiare qualcun’altro, io i parabordi li metto fuori…
    c’è in mare certa gente!