Hanse compra Dehler |
Hanse acquisisce Dehler (che ricordo era in amministrazione controllata) e quindi, vado a memoria, sotto lo stesso cappello dovremmo ritrovarci sicuramente Hanse, Moody, Fjord, Dehler ed Etap.
Il comunicato:
HanseYachts AG is setting course to Dehler
HanseYachts AG has announced today that the preliminary board of creditors at the insolvent Dehler shipyard has agreed to its bid to acquire the traditional Dehler brand.
More than 45 years ago, the yacht-builder Willi Dehler not only developed Germany’s largest yacht yard of the time – he also realised innovations in the construction and fitting of sailboats which were so revolutionary that they still prevail today. He was also responsible for the fact that the Dehler brand made sailing as a sport affordable and therefore available to a broader public.
Nowadays however, it is very difficult for niche producers to maintain production with maximum demands on quality and fittings. Under HanseYachts Group management, the Dehler brand has the opportunity to benefit from the purchasing and manufacturing advantages offered by a large-scale producer. At the plant in Meschede-Freienohl in Sauerland, there are plans to produce mid-size Dehler yachts. Bigger Yachts will be manufactured in a separate production facility in Greifswald.
One other aim of the restructuring measures is to develop the Freienohl site as an exhibition and service centre. Its convenient geographic location is ideal for creating Germany’s first water sports centre featuring a permanent exhibition of various sail and motor boats, yacht insurance and financing, manufacturers of water sports accessories, sail-makers and other businesses specialising in the area of water sports.
This combined concept is expected to create several new jobs.
Per quanto riguarda ETAP, Etap – comprata da Dehler nel gennaio 2008, non ha seguito la sorte di Dehler. Infatti Dehler non era in amministrazione controllata, bensì era FALLITA il 17-12-2008. etap INVECE, CHE NE AVEVA SEGUITO LA SORTE IL 7-01-09, è STATA COMPRATA DA IMPRENDITORI BELGI (MIC S.A.) E INDIANI (che apriranno un secondo cantiere in India per soddisfare la crescente domanda nel Sub-continente Indiano e nel Far-East).
Le Inaffondabili è l’importatore ETAP per l’Italia.
Cordiali saluti
Francesco Tamburrano
mister Hanse è uno tosto!!! ne vedremo delle belle nei prossimi mesi…qualche altra acquisizione magari…buon vento aurelio