Vendee Globe – Loyck Peyron disalbera |

Loick Peyron - Gitana Eighty disalbera

E’ appena arrivata la notizia del disalberamento di Gitana Eighty. Non nascondo che mi dispiace, non solo ma anche, perchè un po’ facevo il tifo per lui.

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[aggiornamentro] Il commento di Loyck Peyron:

The only piece of mast which is on the deck now is no more than one metre and a half. All the rest is sinking right now, I don’t know how deep it is!

“I don’t know where I will go. At first I want to do a rescue (jury) rig with he boom, using a small sail and part of the sail I still have on the boat, on the Gitana Eighty, and then when the spare rig is done and I can see what kind of speed I can do, and what sort of angle I can do regarding the direction of the wind, I could decide.”

“There are three solutions. The first is the longest, is Australia first, and the two others are maybeCape Town or an island between Madagascar or maybe ReunionIsland.

I feel not so bad but not so good. I don’t want to think right now. I just feel bad just now for all the team, I feel sad for Benjamin Rothschild and all the GroupRothschild because without them I cannot be here, so I feel sad for them. But, no, it is not a good day.

No Responses to “Vendee Globe – Loyck Peyron disalbera”

  1. Sarei curioso di sapere come farà a reggiungere la terra più vicina (che sarà a qualche migliaio di miglia) senza albero…

  2. Noooo… anche io (il Capitano) facevo il tifo per lui…

  3. Dem, dipende molto da quello che hanno a disposizione ma in genere piantano il boma dell’albero e armano la tormentina. Vedremo cosa fara’ Peyron.